2024 Digital Marketing Trends: Part Two

We started our first blog series of 2024 with a focus on digital marketing trends. Marketing is a far-reaching topic, and as a business who provides digital services to other small businesses, we wanted to highlight some of the trends that keep popping up so far this year. Last week we pointed out five different trends like influencer marketing and the rise of short-form video content, and today we want to highlight five more. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and trends are always in flux, but we hope that these popular trends can help improve your own digital marketing strategy.   

1) AI Automation/AI-Powered Tools

AI is a buzzword these days, and businesses are constantly finding new ways to utilize it to their advantage. One of the tools utilized a great deal lately is AI-powered chatbots and messaging apps, which are changing and personalizing customer experiences. They can save time and expedite the resolution process when issues arise with customers. Even AI-powered tools like voice search optimization are becoming more prevalent. 

Al-powered tools are changing the digital marketing landscape. They'll become even more prevalent in 2024, especially as businesses learn how to best implement these tools with their workforce.

2) Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality 

Augmented reality and virtual reality are other tech-based strategies that are on the rise. These kinds of immersive technologies can help greatly with storytelling and customer engagement. You might find more companies utilizing these tools for things such as virtual try-on experiences or virtual tours. 

3) Social Commerce

E-Commerce is becoming increasingly more prevalent on social media platforms like TikTok,  Instagram, and Facebook. It’s likely that these types of platforms will continue to add more prominent shopping features into their user experience, so businesses can capitalize on that type of social commerce with a little bit of planning. Commerce within these social media platforms gives the capacity for audience engagement to convert fairly quickly into sales.  

4) Sustainability & Purpose-Driven Marketing

There are several ways to describe this type of purpose filled marketing, but it centers around the idea that customers look for brands that align with their values. We see this with environmental sustainability but also with ethical concerns and social causes. This goes beyond eco-friendly policies; consumers want conscious brands that are authentic and transparent. It’s definitely something to keep in mind as you plan your own digital marketing strategy for the year and what ideas you want to highlight or promote online.

5) Google My Business Optimization

This might seem like an easy strategy to overlook, but having an optimized Google My Business listing enhances your business’s online visibility, and by default, its credibility. Having a complete and regularly maintained listing is important for appearing in local search results, which can attract potential customers. So, in 2024, don’t underestimate the importance of a well-maintained Google My Business listing. 

So, have you seen some of these trends playing out? Have you been taking advantage of these trends so far this year? Comment and let us know. 

If you are interested in our approach to social media and other digital services, you can find out more information here. Stay tuned for March as we turn our focus specifically to web design.


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2024 Digital Marketing Trends: Part One